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Paignton Zoo

As some people may be aware, I spent the majority of my summer at Paignton Zoo conducting research for my final year university project. The focus of the study is to look into the practical use of social network analyses and the value of the information that it shows. To do this I am using Chilean flamingos, Phoenicopterus chilensis, as a study species.

This meant a lot of trips to Paignton Zoo and as expected that lead to a lot of photos. Here are a selection, broken down into; Birds, Mammals, and Landscape/Other Animals.




 Mammals and Other Animals:






Me and Chucky :)

Finally I would like to thank Paignton Zoo, and especially all of the people that made my time there so enjoyable. The same people who make Paignton Zoo the zoo that it is. I never thought that I could enjoy a zoo, after always feeling that they were places of miserable caged animals, but I really really enjoyed my time and appreciate all the work that is being done there. The research, conservation, and education is extremely important! And a very special thanks to my friend Chucky…

Thanks for reading/ looking.. Hope you enjoyed?

Dont hesitate to ask any questions about the photos or about the research that I am doing (which I will post about once completed, around June/July 2014). I would also like to add that these were all taken with my Olympus ZX-1 and most with the fixed 1.7 tele convertor.

Next post will be more of a change to my equipment 🙂 and then the next post will be a couple of photos from the end of summer before a review of the 24 hour Bristol Prize Giving..

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