About and Equipment

My name is Thomas Nuttall-Smith,

I am passionate about the environment that we live within and that we are surrounded by. These are some of the sites that I have seen and managed to catch a glimpse of. All of these photos have been taken with the Olympus XZ-1, some using a underwater housing or Tele Converter TCON-17X and adapter CLA-12 or the GoPro Hero-2 (once again with the underwater housing). I then do all my photo-management on the apple macbook pro.

If you have any queries or question please get in touch:


3 thoughts on “About and Equipment

  1. Greetings from Ben (son of Freddy), a Canadian connection.
    Chris Nuttall-Smith, my son, writes for the Globe and Mail, Toronto.
    Anna Baidoun (Nuttall-Smith) of Oxford is my sister.

    • Greeting, always good to meet new Nuttall-Smiths. Im from the Botswana part of the family, which I believe you have met. Thank you for visiting the site.

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